Selasa, 10 November 2009

At the Market

have you ever go to the market?what do you see there?
yup! of course, there are so many buyers and sellers. they make buying and selling activity.
here, i have the list of places that you can buy your daily needs. check this out!

  1. butcher= a place where you can buy meat
  2. greengrocery= a place where you can buy vegetables and fruits
  3. clothes shop=a place where you can buy clothes
  4. toy shop=a place where you can buy many toys
  5. bakery= a place where you can buy cake
  6. news agent=a place where you can buy newspaper, magazines, and comics
  7. fishmonger=a place where you can buy kind of fish.
Now, can you add the list by yourself?

Senin, 09 November 2009


This is how we say money

  • Rp 100=it is one hundred rupiah
  • Rp 1.000=it is one thousand rupiah
  • Rp 2.500=it is two thousand five hundred rupiah
  • Rp 10.000=it is ten thousand rupiah
This is how we ask price
  • How much is a kilogram of apple? it is eight thousand rupiah.
  • How much are 2 jars of strawberry jam? they are fifteen thousand rupiah

Now, can you write the number in sentence? lets try!
1.Rp 2.800=
2. Rp. 3.250=
3. Rp 11.500=
4.Rp 25.000
5.Rp 150.000=

Minggu, 08 November 2009

five senses

what do you use to smell the flowers?

what do you use to see the beautiful mountain?
can you find the answer?...this pictures may answer your question..
to see,smell,taste,feel,and hear, you need your senses.
now, you can try to use your senses.

parts of flower

do you have garden at home?are there flowers at your garden?flowers smell so fresh.they looks so beautiful. here is the parts of flowers. study it well and be ready for the next quiz....

Structure of a Plant

Hei this is the picture of plant structure. Ms. Emy had put a picture of a tree. let's see if any difference? have you found the difference? please look at the trunk? why the name is different?

part of tree

hai kids!this is a picture of the tree. look carefully and start memorizing little by little. to check whether you've memorized the part of the tree, you can draw a tree and start naming these drawings